import sympy
縮約を計算する.入力は[coeff, momentum or metric, ...]
def calculate_contract(input):
# input: [coeff, momentum or metric, ...]
coeff = input.pop(0)
# get metrics and momentums from input
metrics = []
momentums = []
for i in input:
if i[0:1] == 'g':
str = i[4:-1]
first_index_abr = str.split('\\')[0][0]
second_index_abr = str.split('\\')[1][0]
metrics.append('g_' + first_index_abr + second_index_abr)
momentums.append(i[0:2] + i[3])
input_abr = [coeff] + metrics + momentums
# define dict of metrics {'original_key': [current index, current index], ...}
metrics_dict = {}
for i in metrics:
metrics_dict[i] = [i.split('_')[1][0], i.split('_')[1][1]]
# define dict of momentums {'original_key': [label, current index], ...}
momentums_dict = {}
for i in momentums:
momentums_dict[i] = i.split('_')
# get indices of metrics
metrics_indices = []
for i in range(len(metrics)):
# get indices of momentums
momentums_indices = []
for i in range(len(momentums)):
# find true and dummy indices
all_indices = metrics_indices + momentums_indices
summing_indices = []
tensor_indices = []
for i in all_indices:
if all_indices.count(i) == 2:
elif all_indices.count(i) >= 2:
print(i, 'too many !')
summing_indices = list(set(summing_indices))
# sum over dummy indices
for i in summing_indices:
if metrics_indices.count(i) == 1:
# vector and metric
metric_at = int(metrics_indices.index(i) / 2)
momentum_at = momentums_indices.index(i)
contracting_metric = metrics[metric_at]
contracting_momentum = momentums[momentum_at]
another_index = metrics_dict[contracting_metric]
metrics_dict[contracting_metric] = []
metrics_indices[2*metric_at] = ''
metrics_indices[2*metric_at + 1] = ''
momentums_dict[contracting_momentum] = [contracting_momentum[0], another_index[0]]
momentums_indices[momentum_at] = another_index[0]
# print(str('\u03A3' + i + ':'), contracting_metric, contracting_momentum, '->', str(contracting_momentum[0]+ '_'+ another_index[0]))
elif metrics_indices.count(i) == 2:
# metric and metric
metrics_loc = [j for j, x in enumerate(metrics_indices) if x == i]
first_metric_at = int(metrics_loc[0] / 2)
second_metric_at = int(metrics_loc[1] / 2)
first_contracting_metric = metrics[first_metric_at]
second_contracting_metric = metrics[second_metric_at]
if first_metric_at == second_metric_at: # g_ss = 4
metrics_dict[first_contracting_metric] = [4]
# print(str('\u03A3' + i + ':'), metrics[first_metric_at], '-> 4')
metrics_indices[2*first_metric_at] = ''
metrics_indices[2*first_metric_at + 1] = ''
first_another_index = metrics_dict[first_contracting_metric]
second_another_index = metrics_dict[second_contracting_metric]
metrics_dict[first_contracting_metric] = [first_another_index[0], second_another_index[0]]
metrics_indices[2*first_metric_at] = first_another_index[0]
metrics_indices[2*first_metric_at + 1] = second_another_index[0]
metrics_dict[second_contracting_metric] = []
metrics_indices[2*second_metric_at] = ''
metrics_indices[2*second_metric_at + 1] = ''
# print(str('\u03A3' + i + ':'), metrics[first_metric_at], metrics[second_metric_at], '->', str('g_' + first_another_index[0] + second_another_index[0]))
# vector and vector
momentums_loc = [j for j, x in enumerate(momentums_indices) if x == i]
first_momentum_at = momentums_loc[0]
second_momentum_at = momentums_loc[1]
first_contracting_momentum = momentums[first_momentum_at]
second_contracting_momentum = momentums[second_momentum_at]
momentums_dict[first_contracting_momentum] = [momentums_dict[first_contracting_momentum][0] + momentums_dict[second_contracting_momentum][0], '']
momentums_dict[second_contracting_momentum] = []
# concatenate dictinoaries
output = [coeff]
for i in metrics_dict.values():
if i == [4]:
elif i != []:
output.append('g_' + i[0] + i[1])
for i in momentums_dict.values():
if i != []:
if i[1] == '':
output.append(i[0] + '_' + i[1])
# print(' '.join(input_abr) , '=', ' '.join(output))
return output
運動量文字とLorentz添字から4運動量の成分を返す: $$ k, \mu \to k_\mu . $$
def mo(momentum, index_abr):
if momentum != 0:
terms = list(sympy.Add.make_args(momentum))
momentum_indexed = 0
for i in range(len(terms)):
term_indexed = str(terms[i]) + '_' + index_abr
term_indexed = sympy.sympify(term_indexed, globals())
momentum_indexed += term_indexed
return momentum_indexed
return 0
運動量文字とLorentz添字から3-boson頂点を返す: $$ \mu, \nu, \rho, k, p, q \to g_{\mu\nu} (k-p)_\rho + g_{\nu\rho} (p-q)_\mu + g_{\rho\mu} (q-k)_\nu . $$
def three_vertex(m, n, r, k, p, q):
if k+p+q != 0:
print('momentum not conserved!')
T1 = sympy.sympify('g_' + m + n, globals()) * (mo(k - p, r))
T2 = sympy.sympify('g_' + n + r, globals()) * (mo(p - q, m))
T3 = sympy.sympify('g_' + r + m, globals()) * (mo(q - k, n))
T = T1 + T2 + T3
return T
ゲージ群添字とLorentz添字から4-bosonを返す: $$ a, b, c, d, \mu, \nu, \rho, \sigma \to f^{abe} f^{cde} (g_{\mu\rho} g_{\nu\sigma} - g_{\mu\sigma} g_{\nu\rho}) + f^{ace} f^{bde} (g_{\mu\nu} g_{\rho\sigma} - g_{\mu\sigma} g_{\nu\rho}) + f^{ade} f^{bce} (g_{\mu\nu} g_{\rho\sigma} - g_{\mu\rho} g_{\nu\sigma}) . $$
def four_vertex(a, b, c, d, e, m, n, r, s):
F1 = sympy.sympify('f_' + a + b + e, globals()) * sympy.sympify('f_' + c + d + e, globals()) * (sympy.sympify('g_' + m + r, globals()) * sympy.sympify('g_' + n + s, globals()) - sympy.sympify('g_' + m + s, globals()) * sympy.sympify('g_' + n + r, globals()))
F2 = sympy.sympify('f_' + a + c + e, globals()) * sympy.sympify('f_' + b + d + e, globals()) * (sympy.sympify('g_' + m + n, globals()) * sympy.sympify('g_' + r + s, globals()) - sympy.sympify('g_' + m + s, globals()) * sympy.sympify('g_' + n + r, globals()))
F3 = sympy.sympify('f_' + a + d + e, globals()) * sympy.sympify('f_' + b + c + e, globals()) * (sympy.sympify('g_' + m + n, globals()) * sympy.sympify('g_' + r + s, globals()) - sympy.sympify('g_' + m + r, globals()) * sympy.sympify('g_' + n + s, globals()))
F = F1 + F2 + F3
return F
momentum_chars = ['k', 'p', 'q']
Lorentz_indices = ['mu', 'nu', 'rho', 'sigma', 'lambda', 'kappa', 'tau', 'xi', 'eta']
gruoup_indices = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
Lorentz_indices_abr = [s[0] for s in Lorentz_indices]
for i in momentum_chars:
exec(i + ' = sympy.symbols(\'' + i + '\')')
for i in range(len(Lorentz_indices)):
for j in range(i, len(Lorentz_indices)):
exec('g_' + Lorentz_indices_abr[i] + Lorentz_indices_abr[j] + '= sympy.symbols(\'g_{\\\\' + Lorentz_indices[i] + '\\\\' + Lorentz_indices[j] + '}\')')
exec('g_' + Lorentz_indices_abr[j] + Lorentz_indices_abr[i] + '= sympy.symbols(\'g_{\\\\' + Lorentz_indices[i] + '\\\\' + Lorentz_indices[j] + '}\')')
for i in range(len(momentum_chars)):
for j in range(len(Lorentz_indices)):
exec(momentum_chars[i] + '_' + Lorentz_indices_abr[j] + '= sympy.symbols(\'' + momentum_chars[i] + '_\\\\' + Lorentz_indices[j] + '\')')
運動量の内積を定義する(kp=$k\cdot p$).1文字目の運動量の順番≤2文字目の運動量の順番
for i in range(len(momentum_chars)):
for j in range(i, len(momentum_chars)):
exec(momentum_chars[i] + momentum_chars[j] + '= sympy.symbols(\'(' + momentum_chars[i] + momentum_chars[j] + ')\')')
exec(momentum_chars[j] + momentum_chars[i] + '= sympy.symbols(\'(' + momentum_chars[i] + momentum_chars[j] + ')\')')
for a in range(len(gruoup_indices)):
for b in range(len(gruoup_indices)):
for c in range(len(gruoup_indices)):
exec('f_' + gruoup_indices[a] + gruoup_indices[b] + gruoup_indices[c] + '= sympy.symbols(\'f_' + gruoup_indices[a] + gruoup_indices[b] + gruoup_indices[c] + '\')')
def calculate_vertices(eq):
eq = sympy.expand(eq)
terms = list(sympy.Add.make_args(eq))
for i in range(len(terms)):
terms[i] = sympy.simplify(terms[i])
terms_cal = []
for i in range(len(terms)):
term = str(terms[i])
if term[0] == '-':
if term[1].isdigit() == False:
term = term.replace('-', '-1*')
elif term[0].isdigit() == False:
term = '1*' + term
while '**2' in term:
end = term.find('**2')
start = term.rfind('*', 0, end)
term = term[:end+1] + term[start+1:end] + term[end+3:]
term = term.split('*')
if len(term) != len(set(term)):
dups = [j for j in set(term) if term.count(j) > 1]
for j in dups:
if j[0] in momentum_chars:
# [..., k_m, k_m, ...] -> [kk..., ...]
term[0] = term[0] + '*' + j[0] + j[0]
elif j[0] == 'g':
# [..., g_mn, g_mn, ...] -> [4..., ...]
term[0] = '4*' + term[0]
# [..., x, x, ...] -> [x**2..., ...]
term[0] = term[0] + '*' + j[0] +'*' + j[0]
# Lorentz scalars in coeff
for i in term[1:]:
if i[0] not in momentum_chars and i[0] != 'g':
term[0] = term[0] + '*' + i
term_cal = calculate_contract(term)
term_cal = '*'.join(term_cal)
eq_cal = 0
for i in terms_cal:
eq_cal += sympy.sympify(i, globals())
eq_cal = sympy.simplify(eq_cal)
return eq_cal
以下では,An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Peskin & Schroeder)のProblemでの実際の使用例を書く.
Problem 16.3¶
3-boson頂点($AAA + AAA + AAA$)
t1 = g_ms*(2*p_k - k_k) + g_sk*(- p_m + 2*k_m) + g_km*(-k_s - p_s)
t2 = g_sn*(2*p_l - k_l) + g_nl*(- p_s - k_s) + g_ls*(2*k_n - p_n)
t3 = 2*g_kl*k_r - g_lr*k_k - g_rk*k_l
4-boson頂点($AAAA + AAAA$)
t1 = four_vertex('a', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'm', 'n', 'l', 'k')
t2 = four_vertex('e', 'f', 'c', 'd', 'h', 'l', 'k', 'r', 's')
3, 4-boson頂点($AAAA + AAA + AAA$)
t1 = four_vertex('e', 'f', 'c', 'd', 'h', 'l', 'k', 'r', 's')
t2 = three_vertex('m', 'l', 't', 0, -k, k)
t3 = three_vertex('n', 't', 'k', 0, -k, k)
t2*t3 =
(kk) g_{\mu\lambda} g_{\nu\kappa} + 4 g_{\kappa\lambda} k_{\mu} k_{\nu} - 2 g_{\mu\kappa} k_{\lambda} k_{\nu} - g_{\mu\lambda} k_{\kappa} k_{\nu} + g_{\mu\nu} k_{\kappa} k_{\lambda} - g_{\nu\kappa} k_{\lambda} k_{\mu} - 2 g_{\nu\lambda} k_{\kappa} k_{\mu}
t23 = 5*g_mn*g_lk + 2*g_ml*g_nk - 4*g_mk*g_nl
3, 4-boson頂点($AAA + AAA + AAA + AAAA$)
t1 = three_vertex('m', 'l', 'e', 0, -k, k)
t2 = three_vertex('l', 'r', 'k', k, 0, -k)
t3 = three_vertex('x', 'k', 's', -k, k, 0)
t4 = three_vertex('n', 'e', 'x', 0, -k, k)
Problem 18.3¶
3-boson頂点($AAA + AAA + \mathcal{O}_g$)
t1 = three_vertex('n', 'r', 'l', -k, p, k-p)
t2 = three_vertex('n', 'l', 's', k, p-k, -p)
t1 = three_vertex('x', 'r', 'l', -k, p, k-p)
t2 = three_vertex('t', 'l', 's', k, p-k, -p)
t12 = calculate_vertices(t1*t2)
t3 = three_vertex('t', 'r', 'l', -k, p, k-p)
t4 = three_vertex('x', 'l', 's', k, p-k, -p)
t34 = calculate_vertices(t3*t4)
print(sympy.latex(sympy.simplify(t12 + t34)))
- 前の記事 : 境界条件を伴うカーネル密度推定
- 次の記事 : 統計検定準1級 合格体験記
- 関連記事 :